Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thanks For The Memories!

F1E has been around for about a year now, and during that time many people have passed through here.  The vast majority have been welcome visitors who contributed to the great memories we have of this place.  A very select few have been kindly shuffled along (I'm looking at you Brown).   For those who have helped us enjoy our relatively new home (new to us, that is), thank you!  Your pics appear below, lol.

Labor Day, 2009

Not sure if one is chasing, or if both are fleeing...

Thinking about a caption contest for this one.  Submit your suggestions via comment button.

Dad's Birthday!

Props to Josh with the obscene gesture.  We took multiple shots here, and this gesture appears in every one.  Rock on!  I look like I have a weapon strapped to my back.

...and props to Jessica for the obscene gesture in THIS shot.  Clearly it got Zoe's attention.

Quickly: doesn't this look like Joel got busted just before he attempted put me in some kind of headlock??  And doesn't it look like I'm saying, "Joel?  Please, I'd crush that kid."

Zoe, my youngest niece, otherwise known as "she-who-is-soon-to-be-kidnapped."

My long-time friend Deanna came down from Toledo with her six (6) kids to spend the day with us.  

That's Claudia making her first attempt at milking a goat, and she did it!

What?  Little kids leaping from the top rung of old ladders to swing form old ropes in an old barn jam packed with heavy, sharp tools...what?

Cecilia (hope I'm spelling that correctly): also a potential kidnapping victim.  

Thanks everybody!

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