Sunday, January 24, 2010

He can paint the town and he can paint your house!

Joel came up last week on Wednesday and worked on the house through to Saturday (thank you, Joel!!).  On Friday the three of us made our way into Richmond, Indiana, which is just 15 miles down the road.  We grabbed some dinner (and a not-insignificant quantity of beer) at a sports bar, and then headed for a dive called The Wheel.  The Wheel turned out to be pretty darn cool, except for the smoking...forgot that our neighboring states still allow their citizens to make my clothes smell like complete ass!  Other than increasing our respective chances of developing cancer, the night was a winner.  Next day...notsomuch.  Joel and Jessica appeared fine.  Not sure how I appeared, but I can tell you I felt only slightly better than death.  Totally worth it, however.

Back at the farm, Joel continues to wow us with his myriad home improvement skeelz.  Below is a quick compilation of just some of his painting work, which work is entirely bad-ass.  The kid never uses tape?  He just doesn't get paint on stuff.  I don't get it.  We are fortunate to have his help.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' MIGHTY FINE, folks! :-D

    Word verification: aarsts. What did you just call me?? Come back and say that to my face!

    hee hee.

