Saturday, January 30, 2010

Of frozen pipes and frozen manure

Today has been interesting.  We woke up to find that we have no running water.  I checked the well pump, and it is running.  However, the pressure going into the pressure tank is zero.  So...pump is working, but water is not making it into the tank.  My keen powers of deduction directed me to a single, unavoidable answer: the phone book.

Called the well pump guy who confirmed that the line leading into the house has frozen.  Before coming into the house, the line is tapped by a hydrant placed directly outside of the kitchen wall (in the courtyard).  This hydrant isn't working, so we know it isn't getting water.  We were relieved to learn that the frozen section of pipe is  outside the foundation, since we paid a lot of money to insulate the crawlspace and have the duct work vent into it for the express purpose of avoiding frozen pipes.  The hydrant taps into the main line down in a brick-walled well, which is not filled with anything.  This is the culprit.  The exposed pipe in this well is what froze.  The well pump guy suggests we fill that entire space in with gravel.  This will both insulate the pipe and solidify the shaky hydrant.  I foresee a trip to Lowes and many, many bags of gravel in my immediate future.

We also spent a good portion of the day continuing to muck out stalls.  Below is us spreading the wealth, if you will:

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